Sunday, February 3, 2013

Living or Achieving?

Are we living?  I know we're alive... But are we living?  Are we going about day to day trying to get the most out of life?

“The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.” -Brian Tracy

As humans we have the capability to become.  That's something special that all of us have within us. We all want to become something that is special or means something to someone. But we have all experienced the fear of failure. And sometimes... We are our worst critic and we tear ourselves down when, in reality, we should be our own biggest fan. We all want to make a difference but maybe we don't want to be mocked. Well don't let 'striking out' get in your way following your dreams!

1 comment:

  1. “The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.” -Brian Tracy
    Love this quote. I am so stealing it. Thanks.
